iDoperation SC can record all PC and server screen operations in video.


It can record all PC and server screen operations in video.

By recording videos of PCs' and servers' desktop screens, it leaves complete recording of onscreen operations and prevents fraud. Operations that could not be recorded by text logging alone, such as use of webmail and removal of information via USB device, are also recorded without leakage.

It can record all PC and server screen operations in video.


It can detect unauthorized operations and notify by e-mail

By predefining operations that can lead to information leakage, administrators can be notified by email when there are such operations. By simply clicking on the video URL in the notification email, you can watch a video of the screen when the predefined operation is being done.

It can detect unauthorized operations and notify by e-mail


It can efficiently play only user operations

You can easily search for the video you want to see among the many videos that are recorded. You can skip the parts with no operations and efficiently play only the parts with operations by the user. You can acquire a URL with a video of the onscreen operations, which makes it easier to share the video with related people.

It can efficiently play only user operations
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