
It can visualize privileges, privileged IDs and privileged users

iDoperation captures privileged IDs from a management target system (hereinafter referred to as the target) and visualizes privileged IDs in the organization.
The administrator can visualize privileged IDs, privileged users and privileged access usage rights by registering privileged users and setting permissions.

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iDoperation becomes a management ledger of identities so you can easily understand privileged IDs, privileged users and privileges.

It can visualize privileges, privileged IDs and privileged users

iDoperation automates administrator tasks such as periodic password changes and account matching.
Administrators can understand management status simply by checking the outcomes of password changes or account inspection.

It can automate password changes and account-match inspection


It can provide a privileged access granting and revoking workflow

iDoperation can manage the status of requests and approvals for the granting and revoking of privileged access. Privileged users apply by indicating the period of use, purpose of use, work content, and privileged identity as part of the iDoperation workflow.
The approver verifies and approves or disapproves the request.

Issues resolved

iDoperation automates privileged access granting and revoking processes by linking them with the workflow.

It can provide a privileged access granting and revoking workflow

iDoperation, upon approval, grants privileged access to a user for an approved period. Privileged users automatically log in to the server using privileged IDs granted from iDoperation Client.
Passwords are concealed by iDoperation Client.

It can grant privileged access temporarily based on approval


It can collect access logs from the target and inspect them

iDoperation collects agentless direct access logs from the target, matches the collected access logs with the application information, and defines unrequested access as unauthorized access.
Administrators can detect unauthorized access by simply reviewing the inspection report.

Issues resolved ❺ ❻

iDoperation reduces administrator load by collecting access logs and automating inspection for privileged access.

It can collect access logs from the target and inspect them

iDoperation records privileged user operation in video.
Administrators can narrow down unauthorized access from privileged access inspection reports and check actions visually in video.

It can record privileged user operation in video
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